Imagine being able to receive call alerts from your residents on your own two-way radio…Well, now you can! Super Nurse Call is offering two-way radios that integrate with both our wired and wireless systems and pass on calls from our panels to your radios. Call messages can be either heard or read.
Two-way radios are simply radios that can both transmit and receive, often called walkie-talkies. Commercial grade two-way radios are more rugged and powerful to get across long distances. Two-way radios used at a business do require an FCC license for a modest fee.

For senior living homes, two-way communication is superior for three reasons:
1) Two-way radios provide instant communication.
2) Two-way radios can communicate from one to many, also called “group call”. For example, an alarm comes in from a nurse call system. Everyone gets it in the facility on their radios. The caregiver closest to the location of the call can tell everyone instantly they are responding making for efficient resident-focused care.
3) Two-way radios are inexpensive. Radios that can receive call messages from nurse call systems are around $300 and there is no monthly or annual fee for using them.
Call Super Nurse Call today and we will help design your new or upgraded nurse call system. We will provide pricing on two-way radios so you can make your home run smoother and with less stress on your caregivers.
Give us a call at (888) 568 – 0008.